Therapeutic Massage

Whether you suffer from chronic pain or you need to get over an injury more quickly and completely, chiropractic massage therapy could be just what the chiropractor ordered. The skillful combination of chiropractic adjustment and therapeutic massage techniques can help you combat pain without drugs, increase your range of motion, and enjoy a higher overall standard of health. Take a look at how chiropractic massage therapy can help you through your particular challenges.

Massage for Healing and Pain Management

Massage has a long and distinguished history as a proven therapeutic modality. The manipulation of soft tissues can increase blood and lymph flow, relax tight muscles and tendons, and help an injured body part heal itself more readily while also ridding itself of inflammatory substances more efficiently.

Different forms of massage can address different health and wellness needs. Swedish massage, for instance, soothes and relaxes surface tissues, while deep tissue massage breaks up internal scar tissue and treats chronic problems closer to the bones. Trigger point massage relieves muscle knots that can cause pain throughout the body. Sports massage may use any of these techniques to work on specific muscles that must perform optimally or recover from overuse. Dr. Davis may prescribe massage therapy to address problems such as:

  • Acute sprains and strains
  • Chronic musculoskeletal pain
  • Sleep problems
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome and other repetitive motion injuries
  • Arthritis inflammation
  • Circulatory disorders
  • Mood disorders
  • Prenatal discomfort
  • Chronic headaches
  • Neck or back pain

Massage therapy can also promote your ongoing wellness. Enhanced blood flow, organ function, and fluid drainage can help you enjoy a stronger immune system response, while relaxed muscles are less prone to injury.

What to Expect from Massage Therapy at Resiliency Wellness Center

Chiropractic care and massage work together extraordinarily well. Massage relaxes the body so that your muscles won't resist chiropractic adjustments, yielding more satisfying results from your adjustment sessions. At the same time, the realignment of joint components removes a source of stress that might otherwise promote chronic musculoskeletal strain and pain. 

Dr. Davis may schedule massage therapy for you immediately before your chiropractic adjustments so you take best the full benefit of this combination. Ongoing sessions may prove most helpful if you suffer from a chronic pain condition. Multiple sessions usually offer the greatest benefits for injury treatment as well. Contact our team at 15203921290 to schedule massage therapy.

Thai Massage 

Thai massage is a form of therapeutic touch that differs in many ways from traditional massage. Instead of a massage table, you lie on a mat on the floor while the provider manipulates your body in certain ways to stimulate organs and improve flexibility.  Client can request table Thai, or a combination of Thai and Swedish massage. 

Thai massage is part of traditional Thai medicine. Similar to Chinese medicine, it works with the body's energetic pathways. These are also called sen.  Thai massage has developed into a popular holistic health tradition that includes aspects of yoga, Ayurveda, and Chinese medicine.

In most forms of massage, the practitioner uses their hands and sometimes other objects to relax and manipulate your muscles. You lie on a massage table, switching between face-down and face-up. In Thai massage, however, you lie on a mat on the floor. You leave your clothes on for a Thai massage. It's important to wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing that is easy to move in. With other forms of massage, you typically remove all or most of your clothing.

Thai massage practitioners move your limbs around to stretch joints and gently massage key areas of the body according to traditional Thai medicinal theory.

The Benefits of Thai Massage

Increased range of motion. Thai massage combines compression, acupressure, and passive stretching. These increase the range of motion in your joints and muscles. This can also improve your posture.

Helps with back pain. Thai massage tends to focus on areas that can contribute to back pain, like the inner thigh and abdomen. 

Reduces headache intensity.  One study showed that nine sessions of traditional Thai massage in a 3-week period can reduce painful headaches in people who have chronic tension headaches or migraines. 

Lowers stress and anxiety.  In another study, researchers showed that Thai massage reduced stress, especially when combined with plenty of rest.

Helps stroke patients.  A 2012 study suggests that stroke patient who get Thai massage regularly may be able to recover the ability to do daily activities.  They may also have lower pain levels and sleep better.

Other benefits of Thai Massage may include:

  • Better Sleep
  • Better relaxation
  • Improved digestion
  • Calm mind or increased mindfulness

Abhyanga Massage

Ayurveda; (the traditional medicine from India practiced for thousands of years) offers the most comprehensive natural maternity care available.  Prenatal massage in this tradition goes way beyond alleviating sore muscles and back aches. Mothers are nourished head to toe with specialized warm herbal oils derived from %100 natural whole plant extractions designed to nourish and support pregnant mothers and their babies. These oils are applied in a rhythmic, slow, and gentle massage to encourage deep relaxation of the nervous system and connective tissues, as well as proper circulation of blood and the subtle energies supporting growth and development of mom and baby. As you drift off the herbal oils soak in and allow your tissues to release tension and improve strength and elasticity for hours and days after your visit. Each session accumulates more of a lasting feeling of ease, leaving you grounded, blissful, and recharged. At the end of your session warm compresses are applied to wipe away excess oil, leaving you clean and refreshed. 

Note-Prenatal abhyanga oils are for moms past week 12 of pregnancy. If you are in your first trimester please schedule a session of therapeutic massage where we can use gentle therapies appropriate for your term or focus on areas that won’t detract energy away from the early gestation process.



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7:30 am - 8:00 pm


7:30 am - 8:00 pm


7:30 am - 6:00 pm


8:00 am - 2:00 pm


8:00 am - 8:00 pm


8:00 am - 12:30 pm



7:30 am - 8:00 pm
7:30 am - 8:00 pm
7:30 am - 6:00 pm
8:00 am - 2:00 pm
8:00 am - 8:00 pm
8:00 am - 12:30 pm